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stable life charity current services

Current Services

We are proud to offer a range of services/projects centered around Equine Facilitated Wellness. Our programmes are designed to promote healing and personal growth through interactions with horses. Our experienced team are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their emotions and develop new skills.

stable life project services

Main Service

Stable Life’s Main Service uses Equine Facilitated Wellness. It benefits young people open to the idea of working directly with horses. Referrals are invited on behalf of young people, aged between 5-18 years of age, who are experiencing social, emotional and behavioural issues. The programme is delivered either as a 17-week group programme (during term-time), or a 10-week 1:1 programme. Please note, horse riding is NOT the foundation of the service.


Healing Hooves

Funded by Comic Relief, this pilot project focuses on young people’s mental health and is open to ages 8 to 18 years old. In partnership with G10 Sports and Insight Youth  we promote mental wellbeing through a combination of Equine Facilitated Wellness, fitness sessions and counselling-based interventions. Groups run during term-time for two school terms, approximately 17-weeks

Commissioned Services

If a young person does not meet our funding criteria (aged 5-18 and currently residing in the Scottish Borders), or requires more intensive support, you can apply for them to attend on a paid provision basis. Sessions are £25 per hour and subject to our waiting list. Please call the office on 01750 32277 for more information.

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stable life charity project services

Healing Hooves
Get Active Club

We also have an exciting new after school group funded by The National Lottery Community Fund starting at Stable Life for those who have successfully completed our Healing Hooves programme, this is our Get Active Club. This group is led by Craig Girvan from G10 Sports and is a continuation of the sessions they have already had with him. It involves active games, fun and teamwork skills.

Taking the Reins

Our Taking the Reins Pilot Project is a development of our current Equine Facilitated Wellness programme funded by Scottish Borders Council where we will partner with SBC Parental Employability Support Team to deliver a structured programme of family based intervention to referred families to equip them with the skills to overcome any barriers they may face.

Stable life charity taking the reins
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